
Where Taiwan citizens do not need visas

Where Taiwan citizens do not need visas and term visa-free stay

90 days

  1. Austria
  2. Belgium
  3. Bulgaria
  4. Canada
  5. Croatia
  6. Cyprus
  7. Czech Republic
  8. Denmark
  9. France
  10. Estonia
  11. Finland
  12. Germany
  13. Greece
  14. Hungary
  15. Iceland
  16. Ireland
  17. Israel
  18. Italy
  19. Japan
  20. South Korea
  21. Latvia
  22. Liechtenstein
  23. Lithuania
  24. Luxembourg
  25. Malta
  26. Monaco
  27. Netherlands
  28. New Zealand
  29. Norway
  30. Poland
  31. Portugal
  32. Romania
  33. Spain
  34. Slovakia
  35. Sweden
  36. Switzerland
  37. United Kingdom (90-180)
  38. USA
  39. Vatican

30 days

  1. Australia
  2. Malaysia
  3. Singapore visa on arrival
  4. Brunei
  5. Turkey
  6. India
  7. Indonesia
  8. Philippines
  9. Thailand
  10. Vietnam
  11. China
  12. Hong Kong
  13. Macau

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