
Where Belize citizens do not need visas

Where Belize citizens DO NOT NEED visas and term visa-free access


  1. Botswana
  2. Lesotho
  3. Central African Republic
  4. Kenya
  5. Madagascar (visa on arrival)
  6. Malawi
  7. Mauritius
  8. Seychelles
  9. South Africa
  10. Swaziland
  11. Tanzania (visa on arrival)
  12. Uganda
  13. Zambia


  1. Antigua and Barbuda
  2. Aruba
  3. Bahamas
  4. Barbados
  5. Bolivia
  6. Chile
  7. Columbia
  8. Costa Rica
  9. Dominica
  10. Ecuador
  11. Salvador
  12. Grenada
  13. Guatemala
  14. Guyana
  15. Haiti
  16. Honduras
  17. Jamaica
  18. Mexico
  19. Nicaragua
  20. Panama
  21. Peru
  22. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  23. Saint Lucia
  24. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  25. Suriname
  26. Trinidad and Tobago
  27. Venezuela
  28. Uruguay
  29. Bermuda
  30. Cayman Islands
  31. Dominican Republic
  32. British Virgin Islands


  1. Cambodia (visa on arrival)
  2. Georgia
  3. Hong Kong
  4. Laos (visa on arrival)
  5. Lebanon (1 month visa on arrival)
  6. Macau
  7. Maldives
  8. Malaysia
  9. Nepal (visa on arrival)
  10. Singapore
  11. Timor-Leste (visa on arrival)


  1. Ireland
  2. United Kingdom
  3. Andorra
  4. Gibraltar


  1. Fiji
  2. Karibati
  3. Micronesia
  4. Palau (visa on arrival)
  5. Samoa (visa on arrival)
  6. Solomon Islands (visa on arrival)
  7. Vanuatu

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