
Where Costa Rica citizens do not need visas

Where Costa Rica citizens DO NOT NEED visas and term visa-free access


  1. Botswana 90 days
  2. Egypt 30 days
  3. South Africa
  4. Seychelles


  1. Argentina 3 months
  2. Aruba 30 days
  3. Bahamas 3 months
  4. Barbados 30 days
  5. Belize 30 days
  6. Bolivia 90 days
  7. Brazil 90 days
  8. Chile 90 days
  9. Columbia 90 days
  10. Cuba 30 days
  11. Dominica 3 months
  12. Dominican Republic 30 days
  13. Ecuador 90 days
  14. Salvador 3 months
  15. Guatemala 90 days
  16. Haiti 3 months
  17. Honduras 3 months
  18. Jamaica 30 days
  19. Mexico 180 Days
  20. Netherlands Antilles
  21. Nicaragua
  22. Panama
  23. Paraguay
  24. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  25. Saint Lucia
  26. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  27. Trinidad and Tobago
  28. Uruguay
  29. Venezuela


  1. Armenia 1 month
  2. Cambodia 30 days
  3. Georgia
  4. Hong Kong
  5. Israel
  6. Japan
  7. Jordan 30 days
  8. Laos 30 days
  9. Lebanon 15 days
  10. Malaysia
  11. Philippines
  12. South Korea
  13. Singapore
  14. Syria 30 days
  15. Turkey
  16. Timor-Leste


  1. European Union
  2. Andorra
  3. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  4. Croatia
  5. Faroe Islands
  6. Gibraltar
  7. Iceland
  8. Jersey
  9. Isle of Man
  10. Kosovo
  11. Liechtenstein
  12. Monaco
  13. Montenegro
  14. Norway
  15. San - Marino
  16. Serbia
  17. Switzerland
  18. Vatican


  1. Tahiti
  2. Papua New
  3. Guinea
  4. Cook Islands

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